This holiday season will be filled with lots and lots of food options—some not so healthy! And as exciting as it can be to have plate after plate of decadent dishes during this time of year...sometimes you just need a break! That's why I've put together a list of recommendations to help steer you toward a healthier path: eat this, not that.

With so many breakfasts and brunches on the calendar, having a healthy version of popular menu items can be a total life-saver! Made with only a few ingredients, our Banana Oatmeal Pancakes with Warm Berry Sauce provide a fluffy and delicious alternative to the traditional butter-topped, syrup-soaked stacks we're all used to.

Trade the cheese and pepperoni for fresh berries and a whole wheat pizza crust. This Sweet Berry Pizza is an excellent alternative to the traditional pizza, and an (almost) guilt-free dessert!

It wouldn’t be the holidays without some cobbler! Our Mixed Berry Cobbler is a little lighter than the traditional kind, using granola and yogurt. You’ll save some major calories without trading in the taste!
I hope my suggestions help keep you on a healthier path during your holiday festivities. (If you prefer savory dishes, I have suggestions for that too) . Enjoy!