Tis the baking season! If you know me well you might know that streusel topping is one of my absolute favorite things ever. I mean a sugary, buttery, cinnamony…. how could you not love?? This cake is so delish any time of the day and I LOVE the pop of blackberries in them.

I also have to mention that when I made these I brought some to my niece and nephew and they LOVED them. They are 1 and 3 so yayy toddler approved! I think any berry would be great on top of these depending on which one you love the most.
I also cannot believe it is November!! I can’t wait for Ruth to see all the twinkly lights – she will love them! And this recipe will be perfect for any and all holiday gatherings. If only Ruth could eat cake already…. NEXT YEAR!

To find the recipe and read more, visit Kelsey at Little Bits Of!